7th Parachute Bn Living History Association

Our Mission

We tell the stories of allied sacrifice during WWII by adhereing to our founding principles:


Through displays and demonstrations at museums, historic sites, and private organizations


Through caring for original uniforms and equipment used by British soliders of WWII


Through learning all we can from our remaining veterans and telling their stories to furutre generations 

Join our Team 

The 7PBLHA welcomes anyone wishing to portray the paratroopers of the 7th Parachute Bn or the many support arms that enabled the battalion's success.  However, our organization maintains strict authenticity guidelines all members must adhere to. Our organization is the only exposure many members of the public will have to the history of British forces during WWII. We have an obligation to our veterans to accurately portray their experience to the greatest extent possible. 

These standards include maintaining hairstyles and facial hair consistent with WWII grooming standards, wearing original or accurately reproduced uniforms, and having an understanding of how British soldiers lived during WWII. 

This said, we understand that living history is not an easy hobby to jump into. We have uniforms and equipment available to loan for a new members first three events. Our recruiting division will be happy to speak with any perspective members about what to buy and how to prepare for an event. 
